can change a family's future
As a special thank you
A Free Gift for you!
Receive a free copy of the book No Longer a Slumdog
Your gift can
Break the cycle of poverty!

When you gift an income-generating farm animal, you can change a poor families future! 

These animals provide food, families can sell the offspring or eggs and milk to earn income, and they can keep the young to increase their livelihood and make even more life-giving income down the road.

And gifts such as a sewing machine can remove the hopelessness and poverty hanging over many families. Through this help, many families have been able to start their own business.

Give the poor a better's how you can.

How you can give
Where Most Needed

Through donations to GFA World’s ‘Where Most Needed’ fund, we are able to tell more people about the opportunities to transform lives and change communities.

Farm Animals
“There is no one to take care of me at this old age. I am worried, thinking, ‘What will happen if I die and no one will even know about it?’ Today, I saw your care, and I am happy for the chicken you gave me.” —Pari, a 65-year-old widow
Sewing Machine 
“I was really longing for a machine. ... I have no words to express my feelings and thanks to the church. ... This gift not only helps me to earn a daily income, but also it brought us close to the Living God.” —Romila, a sewing machine recipient.
A Free Gift for you!
Receive a free copy of the book No Longer a Slumdog

Let God stir your heart for the thousands of children living in slum conditions in Asia. In this book, children share their stories of need and of how God intervened to redeem them with His love.

“I enjoyed reading through every chapter. The part that impacted me the most was how it describes the life-changing experience with each child that has attended Bridge of Hope. This is real; those (and more) children are real; Jesus is real; and He can use us to be part of those miracles.” —Alba from Mexico

The gift of chickens supplements a family’s income and often helps a family get on its feet financially. Families can eat or sell the nutritious eggs, or they can hatch chicks to increase their flock and later have more eggs and chicks to sell.
Donate 5 Chickens for $55

“There is no one to take care of me at this old age. I am worried, thinking, ‘What will happen if I die and no one will even know about it?’ Today, I saw your care, and I am happy for the chicken you gave me.” 

— Pari, a 65-year-old widow

Goats can rapidly improve a family’s financial situation. In the case of one father, one pair of goats enabled him to start a goat farm with more than 75 goats to milk or sell. He built a house for his family and sent his children to school, offering them a better future than his parents were able to offer him when he was a child.
Donate 1 Goat for $140

“I just love how animals can help sustain a family with food and income. What a blessing it is to serve in this way.” —Hope from Tennessee

Cows and the milk they produce help families grow stronger, healthier and more financially secure. As a poor widow, Jamini could not offer her son Tavish, a bright future. When her son grew up and married, Jamini’s worry grew to include her grandchildren’s futures—until Tavish received a cow at a gift distribution. 

“After having received the gift, we are really blessed. We have some income in our family. We have hope, we have a purpose in life and really are so blessed and so happy, just unlike what we thought our future would be.” —Jamini, whose son Tavish, received a cow

Donate 1 Cow for $375

“When I see the condition of [these] people, their poverty, . . . it hurts me. It pains me to see them suffering. I wish I could bring changes in their lives.”—Kanak, a GFA pastor

Sewing machines mend broken lives. Lack of education hindered Romila’s ability to help her husband provide for their family, but now, with her new income from sewing clothes, they can easily pay their rent and have plenty left over for additional expenses. The hopelessness and poverty that hung over Romila’s family lifted, and through this timely help, she and her husband realized God cared for them.
Donate 1 Sewing Machine for $100

“I was really longing for a machine. ... I have no words to express my feelings and thanks to the church. ... This gift not only helps me to earn a daily income, but also it brought us close to the Living God.”—Romila, a sewing machine recipient 

Harsh winters force many people indoors, hindering villagers from finding jobs and limiting pastors’ ability to minister. Winter clothing packets help GFA workers stay healthy and able to minister during cold seasons, and they also demonstrate Christ’s love in very practical ways to mountain villagers or to the homeless.
Donate 2 Blankets for $50

“This is one of my most favorite things to do this time of the year! I can hardly wait to get to heaven to hear the stories of how clean water saved lives or a pair of chickens sustained a family or how a blanket kept someone warm for the winter.”—Denise, a donor from Iowa

or, Where Most Needed
Whether in the U.S. office or in Asia, the Where Most Needed fund is used 

to help bring the love of God to people in Asia.

Gospel for Asia is
in this life and for eternity
Since 1979, GFA has been committed to serving the “least of these” in Asia, often in places where no one else is serving, so they can experience the love of God for the first time.
Sponsoring National Missionaries
Sponsoring Children
Developing Communities
Disaster Relief & Compassionate Care
Financial Integrity & Gospel for Asia
GFA is firmly committed to good stewardship of the funds entrusted to us by our friends and donors. For 40 years, we, as a ministry, have been committed to honoring Christ in how we share His message of grace and mercy and how we steward the finances entrusted to us. 

GFA is committed to honoring the Lord and your generosity by investing the maximum amount possible into programs that benefit people in spiritual and physical need throughout the world in Christ’s name. Currently, an assessed portion of each donation is used to help cover administrative expenses. 

GFA retains discretion to use donated funds in any manner that serves the charity’s objectives, regardless of any particular designation, but we do so knowing your donation is a sacred trust that requires careful stewardship. 

Because of our commitment to financial integrity, we have an ongoing process of internal review. We actively work to update our internal systems and procedures to meet best practices for Christian charities.

we have been committed to honoring Christ in how we steward the finances entrusted to us.

“Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the LORD of hosts.”

— Zechariah 4:6